English Psychology

Advanced English

English Psychology

Cognitive and behavioural therapy

English Psychology

Lead a team

English Psychology


An influential CEO has mastered the art of effective communication and handling emotions.

More About This Course

Only technical skills will make you a living but good communication skills will make you a fortune. As a professional, your success depends on the way you communicate one-on-one and on the podium.

Lead a team, you need to have excellent communication skills. You must be able to motivate your team without coarsening them. Also, you must be able to have some difficult conversations with your team members. Most leaders find it difficult and insecure to do it.

There is no denying that all leaders are powerful public speakers. They can move the crowds. They can persuade thousands with their impeccable communication skills on the stage. But the number one fear people have is public speaking. However, public speaking isn’t natural but it is a skill that can be honed by disciplined efforts and handling your emotions appropriately.

To summarize: the most lethal weapon in the arsenal of a leader is his/her ability to communicate effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions
